From Midwifery to Developing in the IT Industry

From my experience, a lot of young people (same as I was) go through sort of a crisis in their life of not knowing how to find their passions and a job they would love. I took a risk and did a complete 180 in my education choices and it [...].

Women in IT: Being a developer is about drive, not gender

In honour of international women's solidarity day, we decided to highlight the advantages IT ladies find in the tech industry by sharing what aspects of it 'spark joy' in their lives.

5 things I learned in Android internship at TeleSoftas

The true story of internship experience at TeleSoftas from the eyes of now Junior Android Developer Justas. From the onboarding tasks to code review, and becoming a huge part of the team.

CEO of TeleSoftas: “Not knowing is wonderful”

"Not knowing is wonderful. In my opinion, a person experiences one of the greatest pleasures in life when getting knowledge," shares Š. Putrius, CEO of TeleSoftas. In this article, Šarūnas opens up and shares how he feels in his new role as a CEO, expectations from the team, and the invisible side of the leader's work.

Algirdas Stonys hands over CEO role at TeleSoftas to Šarūnas Putrius

Algirdas Stonys, the founder and CEO of TeleSoftas for almost 20 years, will now focus more on building relationships with existing and potential partners, investment management and company representation in social activities and initiatives. He is handing over the position of TeleSoftas CEO to his long-time colleague and the company's CPO Šarūnas Putrius.

Joining TeleSoftas. My Journey

This blog post features the journey of senior .Net Developer Babatunde, who found his way to TeleSoftas. From getting to know the company and the culture to a huge decision to move to Abuja for a workplace that values human connection and wellbeing.